Countif Function
Countif simply means “count if”. It counts data that meets one given criterion.

Syntax: =COUNTIF(range,criterion)

range - The range which is tested against criterion.

criterion - The pattern or test to apply to a range

countif function

Countifs Function
The Countifs function returns a conditional count across a range. Countifs allows us to count data that meets multiple criteria.

=COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criterion1, [criteria_range2, criterion2, ...])

criteria_range1 - and criterion1 - first set of range and criterion

criteria_range2 and criterion2, - second set of range and criterion

Countifs Function

Countblank Function

The Countblank function returns the number of the black cells across given range =COUNTBLANK(range).

range - The range where you want to find blank cells.

Countblank Function