On that page you can find all Job Aids for each module. Click on a button to open Job Aid in a different window.

Module 1: Speeding Up Data Entry

Dropdown List with Data Validation
To create a dropdown list:

  • Choose a cell
  • Click Data in the top menu
  • Choose Data validation in dropdown menu
  • Next to Criteria choose list of items
  • Enter your items, separated by comma
  • Click save
data vallidation

Conditional Formatting
To apply conditional formatting to your dropdown list:

  • Choose a cell
  • Choose Format in the top menu
  • Create Format rules
  • Choose color of your choice to your rule
  • Add so many rules as your like
  • Click save
Match Function

Filter View
To create a filter view:

  • Choose a row or a cell
  • Click Data in the top menu
  • Choose Filter Views in dropdown menu
  • Choose Create new filter view
  • Name your filter
Filter View

Module 2: Removing Duplicates Job Aid

Index Function
Index function simply returns the content of a cell, specified by row and column offset. You can locate a specific cell content by specifying the location of the cell.

Syntax: =INDEX(reference, row number, column number)

index function

Match Function
The Match function returns the relative position of an item in a range that matches a specified value.

Syntax: =MATCH (search_key, range, [search_type])

search_key - The value to search for.

range - The one-dimensional array to be searched.

search_type - [ OPTIONAL - 1 by default ] - The manner in which to search.

1, the default, causes MATCH to assume that the range is sorted in ascending order and return the largest value less than or equal to search_key.

0 indicates exact match, and is required in situations where range is not sorted.

Match Function

Index Match

Index Match returns the content of the cell specified by Match function. If the content is not present in the range you will see output #N/A.

=INDEX(reference, MATCH(search_key, range, search_type)).

reference - column that we want to check for duplicates. For example, D1:D20

search_key - the first cell in the column, for example, D4, later formula will be applied to the whole column

range - column before cell that contains our search key. In that case before cell D4

search_type - 0 (because we want an exact match)

$ - static indicator. When we will apply the formula all numbers that don’t have static indicator will be changed.

Index Match

Module 3: Counting Data Job Aid

Countif Function
Countif simply means “count if”. It counts data that meets one given criterion.

Syntax: =COUNTIF(range,criterion)

range - The range which is tested against criterion.

criterion - The pattern or test to apply to a range

countif function

Countifs Function
The Countifs function returns a conditional count across a range. Countifs allows us to count data that meets multiple criteria.

=COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criterion1, [criteria_range2, criterion2, ...])

criteria_range1 - and criterion1 - first set of range and criterion

criteria_range2 and criterion2, - second set of range and criterion

Countifs Function

Countblank Function

The Countblank function returns the number of the black cells across given range =COUNTBLANK(range).

range - The range where you want to find blank cells.

Countblank Function

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